
Showing posts from September, 2017

To all our Blockchain Fans!!


It's a Brave New World!

Welcome to Blockchain4All Created by a devoted group of Masters students at IE Business School, Blockchain4All is a new, humble voice that aims to lay out the basic principles of blockchain technology as well as its diverse and disruptive future applications which have the potential to reshape the landscape of many industries. We will broadcast our insightful content through social media and a weekly newsletter to which you can subscribe here. Blockchain... "A spreadsheet in the sky ” Source: BlockchainHub Blockchain, a decentralized ecosystem to initiate and verify transactions Source: KPMG You may have heard the terms “blockchain” or   “bitcoin” without really knowing what the fuss is all about. This article is here to introduce this brand new world to all of you, in the most accessible way possible. Most of you are probably wondering how the underlying structure of this technology works. This part gets slightly technical, howeve...